

Science tells us that you don’t get stronger in the gym (that’s what breaks you down), you actually get stronger during rest. Sleep can be the forgotten third of your life. It’s the period to repair, regenerate and prime your mind and body for peak performance.

We measures not only how long you sleep, but the time spent in each stage to better understand sleep quality. The Sleep Coaching tells you exactly how much sleep you need to reach your desired performance level the next day.



We calculate your recovery based on 3 physiological markers: Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Resting Heart Rate (RHR), and sleep. These metrics are calibrated to your baseline, which means your recovery is personalized each day.

Recovery isn't just about how you feel; it's about what's happening to your body as it adapts to training and other stressors. Have you ever noticed that you feel great one day, but your performance is weak? We take the guesswork out by giving you quantified recovery metrics, so you make informed training decisions each day.



Every heartbeat and every hour counts. By wearing the device 24/7, you’ll get feedback on every moment of the day, whether you’re exercising, resting, or going about your daily life. Your strain will reveal how your body is responding to things like stress, travel, and work, so you can make smarter decisions when it comes to recovery.