Remote Science-Based Stress Management

Scientifically-Proven Stress Reduction by Stress Experts in the UK

Wherever you are right now, you have the power to take control of your life, longevity, stress, resilience and recovery.

The type of stress experienced and your recovery to stress has the capacity to turn you into a superhuman. Using scientific methods of analysing physiology and brain waves, we can come to the undeniable conclusion of resilience, strength and recovery meaning your body and mind age better and you have the capacity to fulfill your own path, as a sovereign human being.

For far too long, we have placed our health and biological well-being in the hands of other, but now it is time to take back the control, using the power of data-driven analytics.

Welcome to our Remote Human Optimisation Service by London Stress Centre


Effective Stress Physiological Mapping and Management Solutions.


Our coaching style is individually created, specific for the client’s needs to achieve real and long-lasting success. Through your coaching experience, we look to create a bank of proven techniques that are designed to help you achieve your desired result, taking the guesswork out of the practice.

Contact London Stress Centre