
London Stress Centre

Why London Stress Centre?

The Concept of Going Deep


London Stress Centre provides the right people with the tools they need to experience the world in a deep meaningful sense.

In our current society, there is a lack of deliberate intention and focused direction. For high functioning individuals, this can be the difference between living an effective and fulfilled life and falling short of your potential or falling deep into depression.

However, when talking to highly functioning people about this subject, their general focus is directed to the act of completing external work and being able to attain family, career or financial aspirations, omitting deep and intentional focus on internal wellbeing.

We believe this to be a one-sided incomplete viewpoint of the objective, one that is extremely damaging and can bring a harmful pathological mindset of ‘work now, rest never’.

The true philosophy and way of being is promoting and achieving a balanced state of deep work and deep rest.

Combining these two aspects together allows an individual to strive for external success, whilst upholding and improving their internal (mental, physical and physiological) health.

What is Deep Work?

The act of immersion in an activity or work without distraction.

In this state, individuals are completely absorbed in an activity, especially an activity which involves their creative abilities. During this "optimal experience" they feel "strong, alert, in effortless control, not self-conscious, and at the peak of their abilities." From this state, deep work happiness can be achieved, but it must be prepared for and cultivated by each person, by setting challenges that are neither too demanding nor too simple for ones abilities.

What is Deep Rest?

The act of true physiological relaxation.

In this state, your physiology enters into a state of parasympathetic dominance. The parasympathetic nervous system is a division of the autonomic nervous system that controls the internal body organs in resting state. The activity that aids your body entering into this state varies from person to person, but each individual can achieve deep rest. This state aids the body in biological resilience, stress adaptation, increased/sustained energy levels and a greater sense of well-being.

Our work and research has been heavily influenced and directed by the Huberman Lab run by Dr Andrew Huberman who specialises in Human Focus and Optimising Stress.